IF you don't have enough money to go to a trip, then buy Far Cry2, but be ready for surprises.

User Rating: 8 | Far Cry 2 PC
First of all, the game has amazing graphics! The DUNIA engine that Ubisoft used for this game is fantastic. The map of the game (which represents Africa) is huge, but also very beautiful. The world that you play in is so realistic and it feels like real Africa. There were moments in the game where I just stood still and looked at the sunset, because it was so beautiful. The fire is also one of the best that I have ever seen in games. It looks good and it reacts to the environment like real fire - it spreads and caches other things on fire too! Simply put, the graphics of this game is absolutely fantastic and they not too far away from Crysis.
Next, comes weapons. There are plenty of toys you can play in this game! From pistols to rocket launchers. All the guns are great and different and they are all fun to use. You can carry 3 guns + machete at all times and it is up to you what kind of guns you wanna have. You buy guns using diamonds you earn and if you do enough missions you can buy all the guns in the game (~30 guns total). My favorite was sniper rifle (there are 3 different ones in the game). I always love using sniper rifle in games and in this game I used it a lot! I also for some reason liked uzi. It has high rate of fire for the enemies that come close to me. Also, the weapons degrade and jam after time so you need to change them to new ones.
Lastly, I will mention the immersion of the game and the animations. Ubisoft does really good job with animations (ex. previously with Assassin's Creed) and in this game it shows again. You always are in 1st person no matter what you do. The healing animations are great and kinda sick to watch sometimes. The way weapons jam and you have to unjam them is done very nicely too.

Now we come to the dark side.....tediousness. This game can really become boring at times! Mostly because there is a lot of driving in it. The map is huge and the missions are spread far away. You will be driving from one corner of the map to another for minutes until you reach your destination. However, the good part is that the driving itself is good. The cars feel realistic, even though it seems that enemies have faster cars then you because they always catch up with you.
The driving would not be that bad by itself, but the enemies respawn really quickly and there are those annoying enemies checkpoints at almost every intersection where you have to kill same guys over and over again.
The AI is mostly good in this game, but it is also very tough. Some enemies can take the whole clip of uzi and still no die. WTF? o they have superman powers or what?
The story is boring and kinda stupid. You hunt "The Jackal" by doing boring missions for 2 unions at Africa. The worst part is that you can never become friends with any union because they will still shoot you. I wish they made it more like Mercanaries 2, where you work for several factions and you can become 'friends' with them.
Lastly, the ending of the game was stupid as fu... and made no sense at all...

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