A Far Cry that might not reach the developers
The main story is based on killing the Jackal, a guy that sold weapons to the both sides in this conflict. Another irrelevant african war that none can win or cares about. Except you, that mighty player. Enought with the story, this all you need to know, the rest is useless junk.
Bad things:
- the weapons: well you start with only the pistol and after the 1st mission you can just go and buy a new weapon, not the best and nothing to be customised on it. Just a plain weapon and that is all. No weapons can be upgraded like one might expect and well this is a very bad thing. You need to buy other weapons for diffrent tasks like stealh missions or destruction missions. I got bored with having only 2 weapons and no upgrades on them so well... I never bothered to buy others.
- the ammo is quite low also, we can't carry more or upgrade the limits or even focus on only 1 weapon that can do more then just shooting bullets.
- the player can unlock some guns doing the special missions assigned by the weapon seller but without diamonds none can buy them.
- diffrent upgrades that we can buy, repair or ammo upgrade ar not that important and don't change the game experience so these are quite useless also.
- diffrent cars that the player can use, all have the same acceleration, speed and max speed, some with mounted machine guns some without. Interesting but irrelevent except when you have 0 ammo (rarelly thou)
Very bad things:
- every time you enter another area, the enemies are respawned thus the player will fight them every time, even if there are not that many enemies on the entire continent. All will fire when they see you, even from miles away, if you shoot with a sniper rifle, most of them will know for sure where you are. Sometimes they will try to look for you but most of the time they know where you are. Very very good vision, absolutelly AI because well... most of the AI won't even run, they will just come to kill you and mostly will die very very fast. One of the worse AI ever, but this was expected as most of the shooters have 0 AI or even less.
- the cars take damage but not in way one might expect. If you shoot a car, you can damage, the doors, the windows and the engine cover but you can't destroy the wheels or even distroy the car if you shoot with a sniper riffle or a strong machine gun. Nope... one can destroy a car with a grenade or a rocket launcher.
- all the cars, ammo and enemies respawn every time the map is changed, this lowers the game authenticity. Also... no car uses gasoline or something even remotely to this. The cars run on nuclear power or something close. A very very bad thing.
- the weapons might break or jam and this is a good thing, but the bad thing is that you have an unlimited ammount of back-up weapons in any weapons dealer's shop. This is quite strange as you can change weapons 20-50 times per hour and you still have more weapons in the shop.
- same with the ammo and the grenades.
- another very very bad thing is that you can't take more then 1 mission at a time, thus moving from one part of the map to the opposite part just to finish some missions. Almost all missions are in the opposite side of where you are when you accept them.
- another very very bad thing is that there are no tips in where to search the tapes or the diamond cases, even if the game marks on the map the diamond cases it doesn't mark on the map the tapes also. This is quite strange but the game is just full of these.
- the player can repair any car in the game using a nice key, that fits every engine and repairs it in like 5 seconds, even if the bigger damage takes like 10s and there is the danger that the car might explode. Strange... very very strange.
- another very very bad thing is that even if the graphical part of the game is fun to watch... well it's identical everywhere. Same trees, same rocks and same grass (not the same grass as one might think) are everywhere. Some strange oasis are fun to explore but that is all. Some animals like zebras and some african cows (bulls maybe who knows), that will run from you and that is all. No birds, no cheetas, no lions.... just some zebras. Low in animals, low in interesting things to watch and well there are some rains also, which is even stranger but it happens.
The missions are fun to do if you don't get bored at the 10th of them. I did at the 9th so I have no idea if it's fun to do the rest. The most interesting transportation that is fast also and doesn't cost anything is the bus transport. It takes like 5 seconds and takes you quite a lot of distance even if the player doesn't see it happening.
- I stoped the game at the 9th mission, after I got bored in hunting the diamond cases and doing the missions so I have no idea about the rest. Killing the same mobs every time was far beyond my interest and quite very very boring for me. No interesting upgrades or customizations for the weapons, no description of what these weapons are doing was boring also so I've stoped and deleted the game.
Also there is a bug when you can't exit a weapon inplacement that was strange to me and I am not sure if I am the only one having this problem
The game was deleted and well for me it's a very big dissapointing. Boring and nothing to see, boring fights and boring weapons. Sadly the games takes very long to finish as one needs to travel more to complete some missions are also boring.
I brought the game so I can say honest: IT SUCKS HARD. If you like it it's your choice and I don't have a problem with it, but for me is one big boring game.
Take care