Far Cry 2 is a true cinematic experience. You will feel like the star of a blockbuster action film!

User Rating: 10 | Far Cry 2 X360
Far Cry 2 is unbelievable. The graphics may not be top notch, but they are pretty good overall. Besides, you'll be having too much fun with the gameplay to realize what the game looks like. The game is pure chaos. Also, you can approach the missions however you would like. I am going to tell a story of a normal day for myself in Far Cry 2 so that you can capture the true flavor of the game...

One of the factions in Africa, the APR, has asked me to kill the chief of police, who is currently in a convoy. I walk out of the HQ. I have a G3KA4 assault rifle, a PKM light machinegun, a MAC-10 uzi, a machetti, frag grenades and molotov cocktails. I feel pretty confident. I'm walking to get in an assault truck when my cell phone rings. It's my buddy. He tells me to meet him at the safehouse down the road. So I get in my assault truck and drive down the road. I veer right onto a narrow path that is barely visable in the early morning light. I get to the safehouse and walk in. He tells me that the chief's brother has a list of all the bribes he has taken. He says that the village where he lives isn't too far from the safehouse. I face the cot and sleep until it is pitch black outside. I go back out and drive to village. As I get closer to it, I turn my lights off and slow down so that the truck makes much less noise. I get out about 100 feet away and pull out my machetti. I crouch in the tall grass and approach a merc who is sleeping on the porch of a waterfront house. He starts to wake up when I stab him to death. He has just enough time to yell for help. I walk to the back of the house and go onto the docks. I get into a fishing boat and drive towards another set of houses. I get out and swim under the docks. I make my way to land. I go in the biggest house. I run up the stairs and hold the guy at knife point. He gives me the papers. I turn around and run out the door to the balcony. I climb to the nearby roof. My phone rings. My buddy says, "I'll destroy the convoy. The chief should be at his office." I jump into the water and swim back to my truck. I get in and drive off. I occassionally run into hostiles. When I do, I climb into the turret and take them out. Before I get to the police station, I go into another safehouse where I pick up a gun with an red dot sight on it. It looks like it is an AR-15 or a similar weapon. I proceed towards the police station, but I decide to crash off a bridge and into a river. I swim upward to the basin, where the police station is. I get out and run up to the hill where I take out several guys with my MAC-10 uzi. I pull out my AR-15 and start "sniping" some guys. Then I throw some molotovs into the camp to burn out some of the remaining guys. I run into the station and find the chief. I stab him with the machetti. I assume he's dead and walk out when I get shot with a pistol. I turn around to see him laying there with his pistol out. He fires it again before I unload my clip of 30 rounds from my AR into him. Now my phone rings and my buddy says, "Meet back at Mike's."

I know that is a lot to take in, but that is what a mission will feel like if you take your time. This isn't a game to rush through. You go buy weapons. You get camo suits if you want. You can get actually sniper rifles. You can get surpressed/silenced weapons. There are rocket launchers/RPGs. You can go in there with a shotgun if you want. I wouldn't recommend it, but hey it's your choice.
I reall enjoy FC2. The multiplayer isn't much to brag about, but you can create maps and share them. You can make some pretty detailed maps. Also, this game isn't for everyone. If you aren't sure, rent it!
The detail in this game is amazing. I could spend hours telling you how much detail is there. You really just have to pick it up and look at the environments, the AI's dialog, the choices, the effects.
This game is intense to many degrees. Assault trucks will run you down. You'll hear their engines reving up. They'll chase you down and shoot at you. You'll be caught in a battle that is just you, with a few health syringes, little ammo, and nowhere to run. And you'll be up against a whole camp of enemies! Other games fail to capture the sense of integrity that Far Cry 2 brings to the table!


Sound: 10/10 A+
Visuals: 8.5/10 B+
Gameplay: 10/10 A+
Replay Value: 10/10 A+
Multiplayer: 8/10 B
Map Editor: 10/10 A+
Sharing Content: 10/10 A+
Overall Score: 10/10 A+