Minor problems beget big dilemmas

User Rating: 6.5 | Far Cry 2 PC
The good: Tons of dilligently designed animations, impressive world, I love the open world FPS, game offers innovative mechanics, the world-builder is out of this world AWESOME!

The not-so-good: Glitches of all sorts and sizes, from key-binding bugs, to video bugs to other UI bugs, this game was not polished before it was taken off the line.

The Ugly: Multiplayer doesnt allow players to select games, key bindings dont stick, server cant set limitations on guns (game might as well be renamed camp-n-snipe, because that's all anyone does), huge maps that only support 16 people max, no bots, terrable main storyline in singleplayer.

Conclusion: The game came free with my video card, and despite the awesomeness of some of the elements, due to several big let-downs, that's the only way i would suggest getting your own copy of FC2.