Farcry 2 is a great game!

User Rating: 9 | Far Cry 2 X360
Hey all, let me tell you one thing, Farcry 2 is a great game. It may have a dull, yellow/brown setting and the dumbest ai ever, but overall i found this game to be on the top of my list of best games.

You start in a taxi, driving from the airport. You are sent to assassinate the one arms dealer fueling the war that's tearing up the fictional Africa in which this game is set. The taxi driver drives you across the landscape, talking to you about the war, the fires, the militia etc. You end up catching malaria and feinting. When you wake up, the 'Jackal' (the arms dealer) is standing in front of you. He gives you a lecture and ends up leaving his machete and gun next to you an walks off (i don't know why he leaves the weapons). You feint once more, but when you come to this time, there is a massive war outside your hotel. So you grab the machete and gun and charge out there to kill some people. Now, I've died all the time at this spot and i always get rescued by the taxi driver. But I've heard something that says that if you end up killing all those me, you walk off and then feint. Anyway, your supposed to die. In the end, you fight for each faction, assassinating, bombing, etc. Several times before the story and the game gets actually interesting. You can do any number of side missions for the arms dealer to get new weapons or the cellular missions, for extra diamonds. Overall, this game is fantastic and i would recommend it to anyone who's a fan of fps.

Game play: 9/10
Sound: 9/10
Graphics: 9.5/10
Overall 9/10