The fact it is in Africa = cool + i liked the setting Bad part - Too long, and too much walking a driving
I love adventure games - and yes this is an adventure game - however saying that this was just tooo long, tooo boring and way tooo much traveling on foot or in a car.
White Afrikaans people do not fit in this environment - I am South African and I can understand Afrikaans and in this game you often hear them shouting random sentences in Afrikaans to each other.
Like me, where are the English people?
It is on the positive side a good adventure with a decent story with nice action scenes while you search for that bad guy who sells weapons to the people in civil wars - i cant remember his name exactly. It is fun searching for this guy and eventually finding him adds a little twist into the tale.
To conclude I certainly will buy the next Far Cry game - the 3rd one now I think - but I wont say I enjoyed this one too much...