Welcome to Africa! A beautiful and gritty place it is.
A civil war is on and you have the opportunity to earn money here. I didn't really get the deal of this story. So you're just a random mercenary who changes sides. There are two oppositions in the game; the APR and the UFLL. Hey, it's a non-linear world out there and there's lot of side missions there. You could help your buddy, contact somebody at a strange telephone to assassinate somebody and help the arms dealer rid the other guys ruining him. Far Cry 2 has a lot of things to offer you, but the story rather feel pointless as you feel nothing as you go on to the story.
I'll just tell you that the graphics is GREAT! It runs at a normal required specs needed for the computer and it gives you great graphics and frame rate. The game doesn't really consume up much so you can play the game smoothly. In Far Cry 2 you can see the luscious beauty of Africa. I even got some landscape screenshots of it. Character models are real detailed and world detail is real good too.
You'll love this game I tell ya. You can travel for more than 50 square kilometers, you can upgrade your weapons and safehouses and you can also dig it up with your buddies. Driving a car also looks realistic but the point of the game is being a great shooter genre. It isn't flawless though because some of the missions can be real repetitive and the area's too big you'd wish for a skip to place button.
I like how the sound effects work and I hate how the voice acting was. From the car engine to gunshots, it's realistic I tell ya. It's really great, even the environment sound may let you feel that you ARE in the game. I couldn't get through the voice acting, how it sucks. It's like everybody you meet speaks so fast. Maybe one time you wanna say to him; hey man, calm down!
You wouldn't regret buying this game, it's a good one, better yet, a great one. This FPS can be real entertaining. If you don't believe me, why don't you check it for yourself so you can dig up the game.