When this game came out everyone said that this game was amazing a bunch of nines were given as scores to this game, and when I heard about it I was actually excited to play it, why it took me this long to get it and play it don't ask me, but I am going to address what I thought of it, and did it live up to the hype.
Story: So the story starts out with a bunch of rich kids doing all sorts of crazy stuff, just having a good time, when you suddenly see them sky diving, all of a sudden you realize that this is playing off of a cell phone, and you and your brother our imprisoned somewhere, this is when you first meet Vass. I'm sure many of you know who Vass is, everybody loves this guy and you want to know what I think, well I think he's over hyped, now before you get out your pitchforks let me explain myself, I'm just going to say it, Vass is awesome, I completely agree with everybody he is a great character, but their is one huge problem, with him, he's like literally in only three cutscenes, the cutscenes are great but with all the hype I heard from this character I would of thought that he was the actual main antagonist, and not only that but to see him more than twenty minutes in the game, don't get me wrong the scenes that he is in are great, but their is just too little of him to make him be one of the best antagonist in a video game, and not only that but why didn't Ubisoft decide to make him the main character? So now that my rant is done I will continue my review, Jason are main protagonist is able to escape with his brother but as they do his brother is killed in the process, Jason is now out on his own and must now look for his friends and save them from this island, in order to save his friends he is going to need help, he joins some type of group by the name of the Rakyat, their leader is Citra, they look to her as a goddesses and she believes she can awaken the warrior in Jason. Jason now goes through hell to go find all his friends, it's a tough journey but he is able to recover all of them, and not only that but they find a boat to escape the island with. So after all of that Jason is going to leave right? I couldn't believe this scene when I saw it, I couldn't believe the pure nonsense I watched, the music starts to slow down and a sad melody plays while Jason tell his friends that he has decided to stay?(angry rant incoming) So your telling me that after all the killing and desolation you caused to find all your friends was for nothing? are they serious with this!? So after everything you did to save your friends, nearly dying many times makes you want to continue this journey here? is Jason retarded I mean seriously when I first saw this scene I laughed my a$$ of I could not contemplate the pure stupidity of this decision let alone the way the story threw this at you, you are going to leave your friends and family behind? and for what to go fulfill your destiny with the Rakyat are you insane, are you literally F$%king with me come on! Now that my rants done let me tell you how they should of continued the plot of the story, they could of told Jason that he still needed to kill Hoyt in order to make sure this never happens again to anybody else, sure it might be a bit predictable but you know what it wouldn't be this self indulgent crap that insists upon itself. The story could have been good it really could have been good but they screwed it up in the middle making it utter garbage.
Presentation:Far Cry 3 doesn't hold back to many punches when it comes to presentation, but it's not the best presentation I have seen, especially since this game is near the end of the PlayStation threes life span, it is quite a big overworld and it does look nice but for a game that came out in 2013 it doesn't look bad but for a triple A game by Ubisoft it doesn't look to good either. The soundtrack isn't bad either but again nothing really very memorable. The overworld is huge and their is a lot to explore in this game, and I definitely will say this is definitely one of Far Cry threes strong points, you will end up getting distracted doing other activity's when you are trying to just focus on the campaign making exploration a smooth transition into the way you play the game. The voice actors are alright their is not really anyone one that stands out with the exception of Vass of course, in fact Jason is probably the worst dub voice of them all, he is either a whiny baby or an overly cocky whiny baby(lol) I think the huge problem for the voice actor who dubbed him is the lack of great dialogue for him, everything Jason say can be quite annoying most of the time and sometimes you wonder if his dialogue even portrays his character correctly this games huge flaw is its main character. The presentation isn't terrible but it's just ok.
Gameplay:Your probably wondering what saved this game from a lower rating after all of my rantings right? Well this is it, the gameplay is solid in fact it's more then solid it's fantastic, Their is so much to do in this game and not only that but the amount of stuff you can do is extraordinary, you will not get bored when it comes to finding something to do in this game. The main campaign isn't too special with some of the missions feeling a little bit too repetitive, but their our some memorable ones, like the mission where you use the flamethrower, even though the flamethrower can be a pain to use, the actual missions is pretty fun, and theirs another mission where you skydive with a wing suit which is just amazing, its a ton of fun, the campaign itself has its moments and for the most part is pretty damn good, not only do you have to rely on the campaign but you can also hunt which is a lot of fun, and you can go after wanted criminals, or climb up all the radio towers, theirs is an abundance of things to do and pretty much all of them add so much more fun to the game and not only that but a lot of replayability. The game also has upgrades, crafting skills, and all sorts of things to add more depth to the combat system, you can upgrade your guns with money which you can get from doing all sorts of things, and this helps greatly with the campaign and many other tasks and you can also use certain skills that you acquire as you level up through the campaign, their our a lot of skills to upgrade with and each one is incredibly useful, you can also go hunting, which is also a whole lot of fun, after you hunt the animals you can take the animals hides, and craft it into useful items that can help you carry more supplies, I don't condone killing animals for their pelts, but come on it's a video game its not real and it's a lot of fun even though I feel really disturbed as I type that, it makes for a fun challenge and adds more things to do in Far Cry 3 to a limitless amount of things to do already. Far cry 3 is perfectly crafted when it comes to gameplay and probably what saved this game for me, I wasn't too all impressed with this game until i started doing sidequests, This is a big part of why I like this game, and can make some of this games shortcomings be ignored, in other words the gameplay is nearly perfect.
(Spoiler Alert)The final boss is Hoyt and to defeat him you have to go through a quicktime event sequence! oh I didn't mention that in the gameplay section well let me explain, First off their our only two boss battles in this game Vass and Hoyt, both are incredibly stupid and horrible. First off I get it, its hard to think of ideas for a first person shooter because well obviously most of the time it's going to consist of shooting, but that doesn't give you an excuse to completely not even try on this either! the quick time events are done horrible you have to be incredibly precise and right on time, because if you aren't you will have to wait for the game to load and do the whole sequence over again! I don't even have to rage about this I know the people who will read this will be shaking their head thinking the same thing I am, what a joke. Oh boy lets get back to that perfect story of Far Cry 3 shall we, so in the end you have a choice your friends have been captured by the raykat, Sitra has captured them in hopes that Jason makes the right choice he can save them and leave the island or he can kill them and become the fieriest warrior on the island or some $hit. Let me ask you something who in their right minds would choose to kill them, after going through all that crap to save them, so you can just kill them off, how stupid,but anyways if you do choose to kill them, Sitra will kill them have sex with you kill you, and have your child to take over the tribe, I don't even need to say anything about this option anymore if your retarded choose this option that's all I will say. If you choose to save your friends you will save your friends and Dennis will mistakenly stab citra instead of Jason, after this the group of friends go on their boat and leave the island, Looks like Jason's not as insane as the game set him out to be, look I get that the game was trying too show us that Jason was becoming blood hungry and some say that he started enjoying the killing as if he was looking for bloodshed from these guys who captured and killed some of his friends but the execution for this is done in such a lackluster way that it is not even believable thanks to bad dialogue and a mediocre voice actor, making the ending just flat out dumb,
'Overall for me their are some really dumb parts to this game, but their is also a lot of fun parts too, it's not a bad game it just could have been done better, you can get this game for twenty bucks on Amazon this game is more then worth that price.