Welcome to my review of Far Cry 4 and if you don't know anything me, I am going to make a brief resume, Honesty is the first thing that I try to express in everything that I review, I'm not trying to be entertaining nor am I going to give false information about a game. So yeah, I will give a 5 out of 10 because in my honesty, the devolepr didn't try to achieve higher (although I loved so much Far Cry 3), and I am going to explain why this happened.
Story: There is no story! What happens is that there are some bounch of character around the map that you are discovering while the story progresses just to experience some events that only helps to make the story be more uninteresting, boring and detached. The main character, the one that you play with, is only there to deliver some lines, your friends are there just to expose the conflict and to teach you how to do some kinds of stuff. In the end, there is no connection, no anex to their personalities, and this is unfortunate because the world is incredible and there are some neat and some very provocative concepts that show a glimpse of the great game that Far Cry 4 could had been. I'm vary sad about, this because there is one character that truly gave something magical to the game, and his name is Pagan Min. Seriously, I can't compare it to Vas, since they are very different from each other, but come on, I need to credit this character because it was one of the best antagonists of 2014, hands down to that. This character was well written and well voiced Troy Baker, this character did bring something to the game but it is the only character that was really evolved and produced the desired results because the development team felt pressured to make a good villain...
There is one more thing that I must say about this game... Do you guys remmeber the bait & switch from Metal Gear Solid 2? Then don't worry, this game does the same... Let me explain why! The intro for this game was brutal, quick, informal and crazy, it made the game look like a more grounded version of Saints Row. It was like "Let's blow this shit up!" and have a great fun time with tons of freedom! But no... After the intro we get to meet to boring and melodramatic character's that spoiled the entire fun and made the game more dramatical and serious, without any reason to. And if you don't belive me, go explore the map and do the secondary missions and find the tid bits that show what the main story could had been. This kinda pissed me off in a bad way...
Graphics: I won't deny, the game is beutifull on the Ultra settings, it's one of the most eye candy games out there... But it would be even more beutifull if it didn't lock the frames in some certain areas with the annoying frame skipping and that stutter effect that makes the game run like ass even on the GTX700 and the brand new GTX900 Series... I was getting an avarage of 60 - 80 Frames per Second, but I could not play the game without frame skipping, it was annoying. And what the hell is wrong with this Field of View? Even on the maximum level, I was getting my eyes suffering by the second...
You guys can complaint that the newer versions are better, and you might be correct since I only handle the game until the 7th Patch I believe, but from what I heard, many people are still having issues and compalints about the optimization.
Gameplay: It almost the same as Far Cry 3, and don't get me wrong, I liked it. It's still fluid, fun and easy to learn, the interface is now better and cleaner, the hunting aspect of the game is funnier now, there are some new and fun gameplay mechanics that I won't spoil in here, there are also more weapons and more things to do in this game. Overall, the gameplay is solid and it shows it self quite well in the open world. I think that the game only evolved on this sector...
Sound Design and Soundtrack: Another good area of the game, the sound design is clear and crisp, improving the atmosphere.
Story: 0 out of 10
Gameplay: 9 out of 10
Graphics: 2 out of 10
Soundtrack and Sound Design: 10 ou 10
Final Score: 5 out of 10