What's Far Cry: Far cry is an open world first person shooter game series. We all know what made the series popular in first place, which was far cry 3, but later installments have been dislike for how "repetitive" they have been... like far cry 4. In this review, I'll be giving my honest opinion for Far cry 4.
Gameplay: Gameplay wise everything seems much better and improved from far cry 3. More gun options, more customization, and an improvement in driving. But- it does repeat itself mostly. The AI was the high point for me, sneaking around the enemies trying to not get caught felt challenging (depending on what mode you had it on), you don't need to do it that way if you want, you can go straight into the action and try killing the enemies, but personally I rather sneak.
Open World: The open world was amazing, just beautiful, so much wildlife, Snowy mountains for the background is just beautiful, the whole thing is based on Nepal and it's super accurate with the buildings. Kyrat is just full of life with so many locations and so many animals. It's probably one of the best open worlds ever. This is probably the best open world in far cry yet.
Story and Characters: The story is about Ajay Ghale, traveling to kyrat to persevere his mother's ashes, Ajay's bus gets destroyed or something and a helicopter comes down and in said helicopter is a guy named 'Pagan Min' he is the dictator of kyrat and apparently knew Ajay's mother, he kidnaps Ajay and brings him to house, where they sit down and talk Pagan says he will be right back asks him to wait, you can either wait or go on a long tedious quest to preserve your mother ashes, where you will talk to sabal or Amita, and pick which side you want to be on Sabal or Amita, once you have picked your side your goal is to cripple Pagan's empire. If you wait on the other hand Pagan will come back let you preserve your mothers' ashes and you him shoot some guns. Overall, story was kind of below average for me, wasn't really interested. Pagan min is a great character voiced by a very good actor, but the problem is... Pagan min is just wasted potential. You get about like 4-5 scenes with him and that makes me sad, because the guy actor behind the character is such a talented actress, and Pagan is such an interesting character, but sadly, he is just not in it enough. The other characters are just whatever or unlikable Sabal and Amita in my opinion might be the worst part of this entire game being super unlikable they actually feel more like bad guys as Amita and Sabal probably don't give a shit about Ajay, because after you kill Pagan it's very apparent that her attitude and sabals are much meaner, because Ajay knows he made the wrong call when he saw both of them doing bad things to the people of kyrat, but I kind of like that, it's not just like a happy ending. Overall whole story felt below average same with most of the characters.
Conclusion: Gameplay is just great overall the main problem is it struggles with Story and Characters, but I can forgive it just because of troy baker's amazing performance, and the open world. Overall, still a great game I would recommend it.