far cry inSTINKS predator
Now this game comes out for the 360, and god knows why. The game just has an extra story. But the hideousness and sloppy gameplay just isnt great anymore.
its a first person shooter, you shoot people.....lots of people, sometimes little monsters. You get to use feral powers, which are cool but done sloppily. You have every aspect of an fps.
The graphics are a prime example of developer laziness. This game has a vague graphics upgrade, which makes you think "how come it didnt look this good on the original xbox, which it coulda been on?." The environments are practically the same lifeless jungle, with still trees and 2d foliage. The water is upgraded, sure it looks good but doesnt act good, it doesnt react to boats, or anything. The graphics on the characters are just laughable. This game is ugly, lets just leave it at that.
The sound in this game isnt really spectacular. You got the voice acting, the jungle music, the gunshots. Theyre all decent.
This game is a total let down, even the multiplayer is practically the same, you cant hold a full party without major lag. Lag isnt fun.
The map editor is fun, but loading other peoples maps arent.
This game is not great, it got a 7.9 in gamespot, which is too high for gamespot standards.
Its pretty low that you have to use and hdtv to maximize the mediocreness of this game.