Worth a look.

User Rating: 8.7 | Far Cry Instincts Predator X360
Let me start by saying I loved the first Instincts. When I heard that Ubi was packaging both the original Instincts with the new storyline and putting it on the 360, I was both excited and skeptical. Personally, I'm really glad they did.

Lets start with normal Instincts. It does look better now, with less pop in than the original on XBox, but it doesn't look "next-gen" good. It doesn't look bad, but they could have definately done a better job. It essentially just looks like the original, only sharper and with even better water effects. That's about it. Is that a bad thing? When you're shelling out $400 a new gaming machine, plus another $60 for the game....yeah, it is. However, the first Instincts on XBox looked really good, and a much sharper looking version still looks good in my eyes. It's almost like comparing Burnout Revenge's graphics on the 360 to the original XBox version. The 360 still looks really good, but not that much better than the previous gen's version. It more or less a lot about how good it looked before. Instincts on the XBox is one of the best looking games available for the platform.

Single player wise, this game will really deliver if you haven't played the original Instincts. You're looking at AT LEAST 15 hours of playtime between the two storys unless you cheat or try to beat the game as fast as possible. I actually enjoyed the Evolution story more than the original, which was a pleasant suprise, even though I see most people thought it fell a little short.

Ubi decided, for some stupid reason, to add a fast-look, much like Perfect Dark Zero. The only difference is that PDZ gives you the option to turn it off, unlike Predator. You can work around it (I turned my sensativity all the way down to 2), but it's a bit annoying. Driving is still in first person, and thus, it still isn't that great. I don't mind much, but third person is still soooo much better. The feral powers are still in the game and I'm happy to report that they're actually a little better. These powers really set this game apart from other FPSs gameplay wise.

I don't play on Live, so I can't comment on that, but I play four player split screen regularly and it's a blast. A solid framerate, great looking maps, the only problem is that the pop-in in much more noticable. A drag, but not a mood killer. It's still my favorite multiplayer game. There are also plenty of maps to choose from that range from huge to small, 23 to exact.

All in all, I fully enjoyed the game. I can understand why some people are disappointed, but I'm not and that's all I really care about.

My true overall score is a 9.6/10.