Fun but disapointing graphically.
However i feel the xbox 360 version is all talk as yes the water does look great and the graphics are all crisp and next gen, until you get up close to people. What happened to there faces, they look like they have had their chins pulled up to their foreheads !!
The gameplay is fluid and perfect if you after a shoot now think later game, it does however offer a tactical approach to situations its really up to you how you go about playing the game, i personally mix the 2.
I've been playing for about 3 hours now and have only just got 1 unloackable (100 head shots in any solo game) so its not like other games such as GRAW where you get one for every mission completed.
I do recommend this game but i feel it just doesnt scream next gen, currently for me out of the games i own GRAW is the only next gen game.