Predator the best game I have yet come across on the Xbox 360 yet!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Far Cry Instincts Predator X360
Evolution- The greatest part of Predator the next chapter of the game with new vehicles and new wepons and new objects to hide behind, destroy, push and crawl under. All in all after playing both the Xbox version and Xbox 360version so I can safely say they are both outstanding games that have showen they are worth the hard price of $59.00 ie 45 quid english price by the way if you were wondering my xbox live gamer tag is not tony the prawn.
When I first played Evolution I was ashamed that the graphics were not as good as the modded Instincts but the gameplay is miles better.

Insticts- Great game would recomend to any one especialy people into stelth / halo type games either way this game kicks ass and it definetly beats the first farcry game I gave this Game 9.5 because of the speed of gameplay and the kick ass guns so all you sados still playing halo 2 and batlefront two(not battlefield you idiot) the get your teeth into this.

Level Editor- Amazing and great how you can still put anything in to anything great new objects and seanery so you can basicly create your own far cry game.