this was a huge disappointment i ever had in a game before. at first it was awesome with the graphics and all but theres

User Rating: 8 | Far Cry Instincts Predator X360
no feeling? like the pc far cry the aimin was better,guns were better,enemies were better,plot was alittle better.. the xbox one is good but im getting tired of only having a pistol and a smg or a sniper rifle. plus the aiming is really horrible, im a not fps guy on a console but im a big fan of the series and this was reeally sad :( everything was good besides the long boring story and guns and enemies.. if u ppl havent played the pc version of far cry it rapes this one.. yes this one has better graphics with water and trees and grass.but it draws in more with control and surroundings, basically my biggest complaint is the freaking aiming system u aim alittle it doesnt go to far u wanna aim quick it goes across the screen that was terrible, overall it was a decent game it just really confuses me how crytex sdtill made the same mistakes on the 360 like they did on the pc. my last bone to pick with the game is ok its kinda hard to aim but i can understand it but this game is freaking hard, they know where u r everytime like i ll be behind bushes and theyll be shooting me through and buildings or ull say huts