The only thing that this game is good for is the mapmaker.
User Rating: 3.4 | Far Cry Instincts Predator X360
Over the years i have played so many First Person Shooters some very good and some very bad and others that we best not talk about. But the thing that gets me the most about FPS games is the FPS glitches E.g. What you do on your screen is something totally different to what the character model is doing. Things like loading weapons, selecting weapons, and the hand movements of your player. It really makes me angry to see these same glitches Fumble on to the X BOX 360, that’s right the next Gen Consol that was supposed to change the way we look a games is still making last Gen mistakes. I don’t know how the developers of the games can make such foolish mistakes surly they must know how poor it looks.
And this game, this "far cry" is no exception not only dose the game look as if it should be on the PS2 (no offence) But it still makes the same mistakes as Time splitters. (You know that game that was released For the PS2 about 4 years ago) Call me demanding if you want but i think that 4 years is more than enough time to work out some foolish glitches.
But if you don’t care about detail and just want the basic shooter WITH THE BEST DAM MAPMAKER EVER! Then you may like this.