far cry is the best game ever made for the x box 360

User Rating: 9.6 | Far Cry Instincts Predator X360
First of all, I must start by saying that this game is only fresh and fun if you have not played the original far cry's ...Luckily I have never played the Xbox or PC version so I will be able to provide an unbiased and fair review...

I grew up playing a Super Family Computer for my entire life until 4 years ago when I moved to Canada. I saw a whole new opportunity of gaming and I got myself an Xbox...soon (about 1 year ago) I got my hands on the 360...What I am trying to say is that graphics seem amazing to me all the time compared to the Super Family Computer (Nintendo). Although everything to me is amazing, Far Cry stands out to me the most because of its bright, vibrant, and beautiful graphics. The draw distance, the true-to-life water graphics, the life like and cool rag doll, and the nice lighting all create an immersive and wonderful environment which is truly amazing. Although you may have heard that its graphics are not up to par by 360 standards, I was still amazed by this game. Do not be discouraged to buy this game because of what people are saying. The graphics are truly amazing and will amaze you as soon as you put the CD in the 360.

The sound is as amazing as the graphics. These two combined will make you think that you are actually on a beach of a tropical paradise. The most amazing part of the sound is the ambience. It works really well in a surround sound system. The cawing and screaming of the tropical birds will be on your tail at all times, the slow and tranquil rush and sway of the leaves and water as you walk through them, and the satisfying crunch of the sand as you ran on them will all surround you in the environment. The sound is also exceptional during cutsense, for the voice acting is excellent. You will hear the mercenaries and pirates screaming in a menacing way and you will hear the fear in their voices as you leap towards them with your feral powers. The sound is top-notch and is definately what holds up this game.

At first when I started playing I became worried. I though that this will be just another generic run and gun shooter with the same qualities as other games with a different packaging. I soon realised that I was wrong when I began dying countless times due to these thoughts. This game requires great stealth and intelligence as to how to position yourself in a tactical way. Stealth works great in this game. The traps and the slow and careful stalking really puts you in the mood and feeling that you are a predator. The surprises kept on coming when I was soon faced with the feral abilities which became more developed and advanced as I progressed through the game. It is really satisfying when you leap at your enemy with your claws ready to sink into his flesh (that sounds pretty psychotic but its true). I also must stress that this game is HARD. I play it on normal difficulty and I have died many many times and have encountered many tough opponents, but due to its fun and innovative gameplay, I was always willing to go back and try again. After a couple of weeks of great fun, I managed to finish the Instincts campaign...but it was not over, for I now realised that there was another campaign ahead of me: the Evolution campaign. I have yet to start that campaign but I am already excited just talking about it. I was also surprised with the multiplayer. It is very well done, and the map-making feature makes it very fun and always creative. It is very easy to download people's maps and share yours with others...So to close up this section, let me just say that the gameplay is SUPERB!

The single player campaign has kept me busy for a long time, and I am still working on it. The multiplayer will surely keep me coming back to the game, and I basically have had a great time with this game.

After reading this review I am pretty sure you know what I will say here, so I will just keep it short and say: THIS IS AN AWESOME GAME! THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED THIS GAME SHOULD GET THIS INSTANTLY!