This game will exceedingly ignored. Its too bad because it's one heck of a ride for anyone enjoying FPS video games...
I'll start out with whats good with this game first the game play. Shooting is as it always was and its still uber fun. Theres a nice amount of weapons including three new ones: the blow dart, pipe bombs, and molotov cocktails. There are three ways to play this game: steathy, run n' gun, or both! Each of those are fun because yuo usualy have the element of surprise on the murderous mercs. Some of the elements in the single player are realistic for instance: you see two mercs in a sniper tower with high powered sniper rifles but those dumb mercs left some nice bright red barrels next to the sniper tower so simply shoot those barrels then BOOM...the sniper tower is gonne except for the now chunks of it scatered all over the small wooden village, and of cource the dead mecr corpses sluping over the roofs of the wooden village. i almost forgot after done with TWO lengthy single players you have a highly addictive Multiplayer MAP MAKER that is highly addictive! I will mention the new stuff for the map maker for you FC:I players well you get the ziplines and turrets and a new bruch set called the refinery. there are also three new vehicles for play the Transport Truck, the san pan, and the mortar pickup!
now the sadness with my review: THE BAD. Okay the graphis are not up to par with the 360s' capability but it is a port so that is okay for me because of the quote: "its not the graphics but the gameplay!" And driving is hard for new comers because one stick controls the car stering and the other is controls the gun you are holding...Multiplayer is fun on xbox live but the problem is that it ccan be pleauged with either crappy lag or crappy player created maps unless you find the people who can make good maps. ;p
And the last and probably biggest beef wioth this game among the (whiny) forum area is the aiming. But I over look it because there are worse 360 games with bad aim (im looking at you PDZ)!
That is Nebuzad0's Review On FAR CRY INSTINCtS: PREDATOR