Far cry for the x-box is a great game.but is not better than the pc version.FCI offers an arsenal of weapons and gadgets.the single player is long and challenging which is good because it'll keep you entertained.When you beaten the campaign you will probably be interested in the multi-player.The map-editor almost let's you be GOD. create your outlet how things will be, it's awesome.But there are so few game type's that you probably sooner or later get sick and tired of it.You'll probably want to go back to halo if your board.Well I would rent this game before buying,you never know you might regret buying it(I'm not bashing the game it's just that people won't be interested in the game)
I really thought that this was a great game. I think it is up there with theHalo series as well as graphics are concerned. It also had the spice of reality based human reaction, Die Hard or Rambo kind of stuff. The st... Read Full Review
The Xbox game catalogue must be at least 30% shooters by now. Countless games on the console are based around one thing; running around with a weapon while observing a hostile environment through the eyes of a hero/innoc... Read Full Review