A must have for all the first person shooter fans

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry PC
I've got this game from a friend who highly recommended it to me.I started to play the game and i realized that this game was SUPERIOR!!!. I'll explain why. The gameplay: In Far Cry you have got lots of guns and lots of other stuff like vehicles, machine guns, boats etc. The stuff will make the gameplay an 8 but that wasn't the big point. The big point is that they combined a stealth game play (with an stealth meter) with an action gameplay.For example it means that if you'll across some enemies you can those to kill them with shooting or sneak through the bushes and trees to avoid contact (sometimes you can't choose between these things so you'll have to shoot them).

Graphics: The graphics are extremely nice. Beautiful environts,the water is nice, the figures are well made. Ok,I know that there are now nicer games than this but it is so nice for a game that was relished in March 2004.

Sound: Great voice acting, awesome sound. One thin that is funny about the voice acting is that if you're spotted the enemies will screams some words like:” I’ve got your number, you’re ass is bright, I’ve got a bullet with your name on it etc"

Value: There is a high replay value because if you beat or start the single player game you can choose between easy, medium, hard, veteran, realistic.The multiplayer is also great and the price of the game is only between the 0-10 euros

Tilt: The storyline suburb and it's very original game.

Overall: THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S I can’t write/speak very well because I’m not English.