this is an amazing game for the xbox.i never really got into the first game but did play it a few times,but this isnt about that game its about Far Cry of the funnest things about this game has to be the map maker,its such a powerful tool but even an 8 year old could use it.single player isnt anything really new or exciting but its worth a playthrough with a solid story and a few twists and turns thrown in here and there.Multiplayer is were I thought the games strong point was,with a good amount of options by default and hundreds more available if you have xbox live or link with system link,by sharing maps.The only real problems i had with were some little sound bugs here and there(split screen mostly),and sometimes its just too easy to just kill everything as the predator on some specific missions. Overall if you are a fan of the shooter/action genre this is a buy,if you arent really into the shooters as much then rent it,then decide.
I really thought that this was a great game. I think it is up there with theHalo series as well as graphics are concerned. It also had the spice of reality based human reaction, Die Hard or Rambo kind of stuff. The st... Read Full Review
The Xbox game catalogue must be at least 30% shooters by now. Countless games on the console are based around one thing; running around with a weapon while observing a hostile environment through the eyes of a hero/innoc... Read Full Review