This game is very long and hard. Rofl.*

User Rating: 9.6 | Far Cry PC
As I said earlier, this is a very difficult game. Picture playing Counter Strike. You only take a few shots to die, right? Farcry is kinda like playing Counter Strike. You aren't some super powered uber soldier with massive body armour.

So, about the Graphics. Even though this game came out a year ago, the graphics still stack up really well to Quake 4, HL2 and Doom 3. The effects in this game are top notch; the water, the smoke and the lighting. Not to mention it uses shaders like no tomorow.

When you're playing the game, you have what's called a stealth-o-meter. Basically what it means is as enemies spot you the meter rises to let you know that you've blown your cover. Speaking of cover, the foliage in this game is the best I've ever seen.

You can actually take cover in it to hide from enemies and pick them off one by one. You can take the run and gun method or the stealth aproach, and this game does both aspects perfectly. Basically what I'm saying is you can play the next Splinter Cell, or just go ahead and play a Shooter where everyone gets pumped full of lead.

If You're reading about this game, you probably already know how great the A.I. is, so I'm not gonna bother typing anything about it. Let's just say guys won't stand around when they're getting sniped.

And the price is just unbeatable. I got FarCry for only 25 dollars. That's one of the best deals of the year.