Their is so much you get to do in this game it will blow you away. It didnt get a lot of hype it is stilll fun. The graphics are good because ubisoft made it.The map editor is so easy to use and it lets you make your map like how you think a map should look.The story is good. it is a typical shoot everything that moves game. You also get feral abilities which take some time to get used to but you should be able to pick up.On online you can easily share maps and download them,so you can keep them.The buttons pretty much like halo.One thing i forgot the vehicles are awesome and easy to munoever.This is a superb game and in my opinoin an instant Halo killer.Great game totally worth buying.
I really thought that this was a great game. I think it is up there with theHalo series as well as graphics are concerned. It also had the spice of reality based human reaction, Die Hard or Rambo kind of stuff. The st... Read Full Review
The Xbox game catalogue must be at least 30% shooters by now. Countless games on the console are based around one thing; running around with a weapon while observing a hostile environment through the eyes of a hero/innoc... Read Full Review