A fun fps shooter
The game starts you off trying to escape from a chopper that is firing at you and as you do this, you go through a partial tutorial learning the buttons and actions which is nicely done. It then goes into killing your enemies by the stealth kill and and setting tree booby traps which is a uniqe fun way. But with most FPS, the weapons are limited early on starting with your desert eagle and slowly building up to the more powerful weapons latish in the game. The weapons are a good mixture of attacking styles depending on whether you go in blazing or a little more stealth or even sit back and snipe away. The ammo can be a little lean at times forcing you change weapons frequently from your fallen victims. Health and armour are evenly spread through the game and later on your feral instincts allow you to regenerate your healthn slowly anyway, your other instincts that you develop throughout the game are to see in the dark and to be able to scent your enemies, i didn't find this one particularily useful though.
You become introduced to vehicles fairly on but this is one of the weakpoints of the game, you are given first person mode when driving and is quite difficult and not much fun, it would have been better to incorporate a third person view. So when i found a vehicles i tended to bypass them unless there was a lot of ground to cover or some nearby enemies that i could mow down with the mounted weapon on top of the vehicle. The AI was reasonble, your enemies would respond to noise and when they knew you were there, they would try and flush you out.
The levels do vary a bit from the tropical island to an underground mine to medical labs to boggy marshes and some jungle as well which ads good variety.
I though that the difficulty was too easy in most parts, i only found myself replaying certain sections of the games only a few times and this included the last fight.
The other option that was impressive was the map editor, which allows you to custom make your own map. It is quite powerful and you can do alot of things like setting your environment which included jungle, beach and also what type of items on the map, they could be from a military, research or artifact background. Vehicles were optional as well as weapon type and positoning, player respawn points, cliffs, bunkers the list goes on. The only disappointing feature i found with this was that you could not have mounted turrets.
The mulitplayer features are good with the live option or spiltscreen and system link, but the lasting thing here is the ability to make new maps which will add to the lastability a lot.
All in all the game is great, but certainly not a halo killer.