This game is revolutionary. The overall game is only worse then one game, yep Halo (read my Xbox Review!!) If you have a high-end machine i would highly highly recommend this game. It runs perfectly on highest graphics on my Dimension XPS rig, with 2.8 G Pentium 4 processor, 512 MBRAM, and 128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. This game is excellent on average graphics, but the eye candy is amazing! Put your gaming rig to the test with this game. Sure i know youve heard this game is tough, but compare it to Ninja Gaiden and youve got one easy game. Far Cry only gets hard the last few levels of the game, but when i mean hard, this game gets tough. It is a modern First Person shooter, but this game offers quite a lot of scares once u find the mutants. The AI for this game is the best in the buisness and with amazing graphics and sound, i recommend this game to anyone with a decen gaming PC. XBOX AND PC RULE, Gamecube and PS2 dont even come close even to graphics, that means u especially PS2
Crytek (a German video game developer founded in 1999) has always been known for incredibly realistic graphics, immensely fun gameplay and satisfying singleplayer campaigns in each one of their first-person shooters. We'... Read Full Review
FAR CRY By, Scorpio_gamer a.k.a Neerajkumar_4 Introduction:- Far cry is a pretty good FPS game ever but it’s tough due to its very intelligent A.I. The CRYengine makes a very good environment in the game... Read Full Review