Far Cry Instincts isn't just your ordinary pc port. This is an incredibly new game, that suceeds over its predecessor.

User Rating: 9.9 | Far Cry Instincts XBOX
Far Cry was one of the best first person shooters on the pc in 2004. Because of its amazing graphics, and revolutionary AI, they have now made a fantastic new game for the xbox, called Far Cry Instincts.

The Single player portion of the game has alot to offer. There are 17 different weapons and 7 vehicles. The weapons are all realistic. MP5s, P90s, Desert Eagles, Carbines, and many sniper rifles. Throughout the game, like I said before, you get to use 7 different vehicles. These include ATVs, hovercrafts, hangliders, humvees, and a few boats. But, unfortunately, The vehicles are pretty hard to control. Their steering system is very touchy so you wouldn't really want to stay in a vehicle for too long. But they are still pretty cool, with the mounted guns and all. As for the graphics, they are the best I have seen on the xbox yet. There are wonderous visions of the tropical island when you are looking of cliffs, and other parts of the game. They are extremely sharp. The AI of the enemies is pretty decent. Not as good as the pc version, but close enough. They will fall back of wounded, search for cover, and call in back up. They are mostly pretty challenging. The gameplay is very smooth. I enjoyed it alot. The single player campain is very lengthly and most FPS fans will enjoy it. Also, The voice acting is very well done in the cutscenes. All around, the single player beats the heck out of pretty much any other game.

The Xbox live portion of the game is vdery enjoyable as well. For a game that had such a great single player, I didn't know they would make the multiplayer this strong but they did. There is team deathmatch, deathmatch, steal the sample, and predator. Predator is probably the most unique and the most fun. Overall, the xbox live is very user friendly, using simple friends lists and menus. It is also very easy to find a reliable server. There is also a very good map selection. But, other than the regular maps the game gives you, there is a revolutionary map editor. This editor kicks the crap out of pariah, and timesplitters editors. It is also very user friendly, and there are endless possibilites. Hundreds, almost thousands of different things you can put in your island. Then, when you are done, or happy with yor map, you can share and play it online, and also play it offline with your friends in the 4 player split screen mode. This is very enjoyable and very addicting. Because of this map editor, Far Cry Instincts has given you endless choices and endless possiblitlies that will make this game never get old. Online and off.

Far Cry instincts is revolutionary and shouldn't be missed by anyone that enjoys a challenging first person shooter.

I give this game a 9.9 out of 10.