Revolutionary shooter. Far Cry 2 should be great!

User Rating: 9 | Far Cry PC
In the midst of a lot of PS2 games, one PC game was bought because I wanted something a bit different. Far Cry turned out to be the game that made me fall in love with fps games again. You had to be tactical to do what you want, but if you didn't like that much, you could run in all guns blazing and just lose all the time, but still have tons of fun at the same time. The game looked good, after a little bit of coaxing. It messed up the graphics card a couple of times. Eventually, when I did start playing, I was very impressed. There was a variety of guns, but I thought the machete was pointless. I never used it. I liked the binoculars so you can get a perspective of the battlefield and then your enemies showed up on the radar. I progressed OK to begin with. The missions were easy enough at the start. If you are persistent you could get a decent way through without being the most experienced gamer. It was fun and I spent lots of time playing on it, but it just simply got too hard towards the end and it got too difficult for me to complete it without getting seriously annoyed. It was a great game and worth every penny and it sent the benchmark very high for everbody else who wanted to head down the same road. It's good to play this kind of game, but you can't be too confident about completing it.