I was late in getting this game. i don't think i actually got it untill 2006, but i'm glad i waited, because had i got it any earlier, i woudn't of been able to run it. (just for kicks, here was my gaming laptop of 2003-2005; 1.8ghz celeron proccessor, 256mb ram, 16mb ati mobility video card) I finally got a decent computer, and bought this game. even two years after it's release it looks great. Especially the water and the indoor areas. They beat pretty much anything esle that came out that year, and held out ti'll fear was released a year later. The length of this game is also great, it seemed to go on forever. i must say though, i though MOH: PA had better jungles. with moving vegitation, and even partially destructable environments, this is something not seen untill crysis, which has yet to be released. This is where my compliments end, though. The sound seems simply 1-dimensional, very bland. the gameplay is also somewhat bland and boring, with the ai blurting out random crap constantly "hey, what was that. i'll just look through this wall with my x-ray vision, rattatatat, your dead" the combat was unsatisfying, and many times extremely frustrating. and don't blame this on the fact i bought it late. i still enjoy shooters from 2003 more than this one. I played the crysis demo, and they fixed these issues fortuneatly, and it maintains the same visual standard. i'd definitly reccomend other shooters before i reccomend this. but it's all a matter of opinion.
Crytek (a German video game developer founded in 1999) has always been known for incredibly realistic graphics, immensely fun gameplay and satisfying singleplayer campaigns in each one of their first-person shooters. We'... Read Full Review
FAR CRY By, Scorpio_gamer a.k.a Neerajkumar_4 Introduction:- Far cry is a pretty good FPS game ever but it’s tough due to its very intelligent A.I. The CRYengine makes a very good environment in the game... Read Full Review