A Balanced Review
The gameplay is intuitive, and makes perfect sense. Aiming is a breeze once you get used to it, and grenade throwing is fun. However the melee, or "feral" attack could be a little tricky, since you must slash the controller downward, which often causes the camera to be thrown off if the attack doesn't work. Likewise with the zoom function. Pushing the controller forward, while a good idea, often results in drastically moving the camera in the wrong direction.
However I must say that after a few hours, I got used to the controls, and the frequency of these problems diminished.
As far as graphics, there is no way around it, they aren't impressive. Blotchy textures, and ugly-pixilated shadows are somewhat embarassing, and the framerate can tend to decrease with intense combat. But somehow I always managed aim and shoot alright despite the occasional "jumpy" screen.
The dialogue is downright horrible, but actually makes for a good laugh. Though the creators tried to make "you" the main character witty and sarcastic, they ended up making him an unintelligent goober, who sucks as one-liners. But then again you might not agree with this, since I even thought the dialouge from Gears Of War was bad.
I must add that the game does take some getting used to. I showed it to a couple people who got frustrated after ten minutes and wrote the game off as "sucky". Don't make this mistake. With a little devotion, the controls will come naturally to you.
Final analysis: Fun.