My favorite game of all time. Still the best FPS to date
Overall there is not much wrong with Farcry except maybe the weak story and a multiplayer that doesn't really do anything new, but this game is strong in it's single player.
Farcry's single player is very impressive the level are huge and the enemies are challenging. The graphics are also wonderful better than most of the available 360 titles, and better looking than Doom 3 and hl2 farcry's competition back in the day. It really feels it your in the tropics, and it is the only game I know where you can actually see the bullet holes in your enemies!!! The action never lets up. The game play for Farcry is also lengthy which is not bad at all since most FPS's now are only in the 4-8 hour range. The sound is great too, guns sound real, hearing the ocean waves crash the beach.
Overall Farcry is one of the best FPS games to date. While the weak story line and multiplayer may sway fps fans, the game play will just blow you out of your seat. Unlike most Fps games that are unchallenging Farcry offers a challenge as a matter of fact it isn't a game where you just waste the enemy it is an FPS that requires strategy. Enemies squads all have leaders and different squad positions so you can cripple an enemy squad by either killing it's leader of take out it's support. The game is very open ended too. With some missions actually spanning more than 10 square miles, now that's cool. This game is simply a classic that should be recognized.