such a disappointment.

User Rating: 3.4 | Far Cry Vengeance WII
i had high hopes for this game having played it on every system it came out on. little did i know it was marred beyond recognition. graphics are the number one problem. i normally dont harp on about graphics however watching a cutscene is an amophic mess. watching the real time cut scenes you have to wonder why this game was released as shadows and lighting will regulary DISSAPPEAR AND REAPPEAR AT WILL. the people in cutscenes look weird too as their face and body will change shapes at will. i personally dont care about graphics to the point im not going to buy an hd tv for at least three years, whenever i watch tv i usually turn it up and mess with my computer. with farcry vengence i can't turn my eyes away and ignore the horrible graphics problems. the wii is capable of graphics better than the xbox. it truly is. but why , OH WHY is this game worse looking than the xbox version. ubisoft its great you want to support the wii but if we wanted crappy overhyped games wed ask ea to step up developement for it. now that thats over. gameplay is good, later on youll get access to all kinds of powers to let you hunt and kill those who would hunt and kill YOU. playing multiplayer gives you no satisfaction as it only allows one on one play. replay value ends once you beat the game unless you want to play the sotry again though its not really worth it. the controls are atrocious leaving you with a cursor that is either off screen most of the time as you attempt to move the camera or has you looking straight down or straight up etc.etc.etc. if they took everything thatr made red steel good and injected that into far cry vengence this game would score at least an 8. however this game features everything red steel does only worse.enemies dont even care bout cover most of the time as they will simply run at you and fire off rounds wildly waiting for you to drop them. at least in red steel they took cover. i dont care how desperate you are for a shooting game. this game is awfull.