i have absolutely NO idea why most people and game sites say this game is so bad. ive neverplayed any of the other Far Cry's so maybe thats why but besides that, the games incredible. The controls are really intuative and easy to learn, that guns are all pretty sweet, and the story is pretty interesting. The bads are that the graphics are quite terrible but the game is so exciting that you forget all about the graphics. The AI is extremely stupid but it makes for a good laugh. I would HIGHLY recommend at least renting this game. one more thing... the multiplayer is quite a let down seeing that its only 1 vs 1 and no more than 2 players but still, its fun. its no zelda but i think its wayyyy better than Red Steel if your looking for a new FPS for your Wii.
I'm sure anyone reading this review has heard something of it's "severe graphical inadequacies." As it is, I bought this game knowing full-well that it wouldn't be pretty but, DAMN! I've seen PS1 games that run... Read Full Review
I don't remember ever purchasing a game quite as bad as Far Cry Vengeance. Granted not everything about the game is horrible. The gameplay is quite good, and the sound has its shiney moments, but basically everything... Read Full Review