I never liked the far cry game until now this is the best one yet it fun and its easy but not too easy. It has cool guns a good story and it is so underrated its not funny! Now its easy to play but very hard to master. I love it if you are in to FPS that require thinking and brain power you will love this game! If you are in to mindless shooters like me you are better off with red steel i like both. but this is a more thinking mans shooter. overall a superb game! :) ( the rest is ramdom words to post hte review are a game spot gladiator kurt russell)
I'm sure anyone reading this review has heard something of it's "severe graphical inadequacies." As it is, I bought this game knowing full-well that it wouldn't be pretty but, DAMN! I've seen PS1 games that run... Read Full Review
I don't remember ever purchasing a game quite as bad as Far Cry Vengeance. Granted not everything about the game is horrible. The gameplay is quite good, and the sound has its shiney moments, but basically everything... Read Full Review