Lushious graphics, great use of sound, slick features and briallant gameplay, is it really the next Half Life? Hell Yes!

User Rating: 9.4 | Far Cry PC
FarCry was described as, "Half Life meets Halo", and while its clear that the two of the best shooters ever have had more then a passing influence on FC, its also clear that game stands head and shoulders above them in every respect.

In FC the player assumes the role of Jack Carver, a tough with a dark past who runs a charter boat service through the south pacific. Hired by a mysterious journalist to explore a series of unknown islands Jack has no idea what he is in for. In the brialliant opening cinematic the boat is attack and the journalist captured while Jack washes up on shore in a small cave. Here the firts level starts and things get exciting. The first level is in two parts, first the game hold your hand and guides you through a tutroial, before leaving you strandard on your own to deal with a camp of heabily armed mercs and afterwards some great vehicle scenes. But this is by no means the deep end of FC, its just a tasts of the dozens of perfectly relised action sequences that await the player in this simply sublime action game.

The first thing you notice about FC are graphics. At the time of its release, FC is arguably the best looking game ever. Even now, over a year on, its still mind blowing when you look at how good this game is. Every big next gen graphics trick is here, bumpmapping, real time light and shadows, high resoultions textutes, anti aliasing etc etc. And while this might make it seem like FC will only run on top end machines, its not quite true. While you're missing out if you don't play this on an abosulte beast of of a PC, I've played it through to the end on an aging P3 with a 9200 graphics card. I had to turn all the graphics to minimum, but even then this is still great looking game. Basically if you have a half decent PC for playin games, there is no reason as to why shouldn't get this. Its just that good.

The audio of FC is another ig thing. The music is similar to Splinter Cell's methond of changing as the action goes up down. Creep along and the music drops, get into a gunfight, and the tempo speeds up and the sound gets louder. Its a great affect and should been used in more shooters. (Cough Halo 2 cough)
The enemy mercs you encounter in the game also sput some good dialogue, its cheesy but its funny at the same time. "Time for an ass-whumpin'" one guy yells when he sees me in the game. Always good for a laugh.

FC biggest drawcard though its great gameplay where you, the player, have so many options is mind boggling. This is a result of several great features the game has. First the levels are mostly set on tropical islands. Big islands. And I mean BIG. You can play the same level ove and over and find new routes through and more enemies each time. The size of this game is simply insane at times.
Next the AI is easily some of the best around, and while the mercs you face early on in the game are the standard enemies most of the way through, trust me, they're just the tip of the iceberg.
Finally FC can be played in so many different ways. Want to go all Splinter Cell and creep around the levels using stealth and silenced weapons, sure thing. Or you can go crazy with an M4 blasting in every thing in sight, both are fine ways to approach situations and both have equal pros and cons. This really is a game that a huge numebr of people can get into because there is so much choice and no matter the choice, its always great fun.

Overall, it boils down to this: If you are an action fan and or a FPS fan, get FC. Its the best FPS since Halo for Xbox, and the most insanely impressive socme the original Half Life. GET THIS NOW!!