If this hasn't already been beaten into you, allow me to hammer away. This is a very pretty game. There are a ton of very nice touches like the foliage, sky, rocks, etc. Also I think this is the first first-person shooter to really have realistic water and waves. The waves lapping up on the shore look very nice. Up till now gamers like us have always had to forgive games of never getting that quite right. No longer… The sound is also very good. I love how the weapons all sound powerful (and they are). There's nothing I hate more than a weak sounding machine gun (i.e. half-life1, doom3, and some on Battlefield1942). This game is pretty but it's also HARD! I'm not sure who the beta testers were but they most be like the best gamers ever because the game's version of "easy" basically kicks your butt. They need an easier setting just because sometimes you don't feel like a challenge. Sometimes you just want to dominate without a whole lot of effort on your part. This game doesn't have that. When you play you really have to get your game face on. Another thing I noticed about FC was about 3/4 the way through the game I was loosing desire to play it. Since I paid $50 for it I forced myself to beat the game but it was more like a chore. That probably doesn't happen to everyone, but it did to me. I can’t exactly explain it. I think I just got tired of getting my butt shot off and then having to start back at a checkpoint. You think?... So since the game has been out a while I'd still recommend getting it. You just need to have a good graphics card (128 MB at least) and don’t expect to be able to play it lazily (ho-hum).
Crytek (a German video game developer founded in 1999) has always been known for incredibly realistic graphics, immensely fun gameplay and satisfying singleplayer campaigns in each one of their first-person shooters. We'... Read Full Review
FAR CRY By, Scorpio_gamer a.k.a Neerajkumar_4 Introduction:- Far cry is a pretty good FPS game ever but it’s tough due to its very intelligent A.I. The CRYengine makes a very good environment in the game... Read Full Review