Far Cry offers exiting and the most open-ended gameplay to date, great AI, interesting story and loads to do.

User Rating: 9.4 | Far Cry PC
Far Cry is an excellent game. Really. There are dozens of approaches to any situation in the game, the AI is smart and responds to what you do,
the graphics are top-notch, its sounds great, and mods are incredibly easy to make with the Cryengine sandbox. the bad news, though is that later in the game, it becomes damn near impossible. The trigens are way to ahrd to kill, especially the big ones, which can withstand dozens of rocket hits, and many sniper shots to the gead, and theyre usually right on you so you usually end up dying. the jungle scenery looks amazing, and well, becides afew cheezy lines "who are you?" "that's not important" "how do i know i can trust you?" "well, for starters, I havent turned you in..." said in a weird excpression on some words that gets better as the game goes on, thankfully. but yeah, great game, worth buying, although the multiplay is kinda iffy. Oh, and its reeeally long.