What can i say the ending is a spin out.
I'll start with the graphics, the graphics throughout the entire game are absolutly amazing, (for an xbox) i mean the dynamic lighting and shadowing throughout is awsome all the textures are extremly well done, the draw distance is good but u wil see pop ins, water looks really nice just about everything is as good as it's gonna get on the old generation of systems. The only bad things i noticed about the graphics was probably the real jerky ragdoll phisics, wich wood alot of the time go through wall and disapear or all of a sudden just fling 100 metres in the air, and the bodys sometimes look like there having a seisure. The other thing was decals in the game wern't very impresive, and unfortunatly there was not bullet holes in body's that stay like last far cry nor the pool of blood when there in the water or on the ground, but overal i gave it a 10 in graphics because the game looks so good u just forget these things when playing.
Sound: ok the sound in this game is so good specially if u got your 5.1 going on, most notable is the forest abience it just sounds so real, the sound throughout is very well done and atmospheric, the soundtrack anit the bad either.
Gamplay the gamplay is awsome in this game, at first i really loved it then got into this real anoying area in the mines and got fed up with it, then i really got into it after arivving back in the forsest , and towards the end the enimies start to realy pick up the pace and give u a run for your money.
Oh yeh the a.i throughout the game was decent i thought, it wasn't till the end that the game got alot harder and the enimies where definatly tougher.
Value: ok so i was gonna give it a 6 for value because it only took me i think beetwen 9 or 11 hrs straight, can't remember seeming as it's now 2:40 am and i played the whole game with out a break, sept for dinner, anyway like i said i was gonna give it a six but then i thout if i had live i'd play it a whole lot more seeming as it is extremly good so i bumped it up 2 pioints.
Overall its an awsome game, totally worth checking out, i'd recomend renting if u don't have live because it's not very replayable in the single player aspect of the game, u don't have much of a sense of achievment beetwen missions there all pretty seemles and i'm pretty sure there's only one difficulty to so not much point going back again really.