If your computer can handle it, you need to play this game.

User Rating: 9.2 | Far Cry PC
First things last. If you want to truly enjoy Far Cry make sure you have a top of the line gaming machine. Also it might be a good idea to have proper airflow within your machine because this game will tax your machine like no other game before it. Now to the game itself. WOW, WOW, and WOW. I hadn’t heard of this game, or of Crytek until I read a review about the game on Gamespot. Now they compared this game to Half Life, and that’s a bold statement, a very bold statement. But it is 100% true. This game really delivers on all facets of what a game needs to be. Amazing graphics, extremely fun and challenging game play, killer sound, good A.I, and a story good enough to keep you interested. The graphics in this game are unprecedented. This game did come out before Doom 3 and Half Life 2, and in my opinion, the graphics still beat both of those games. Doom 3 is too industrial looking, and Half Life 2 just doesn’t come close (HL2 does have better character models, however). If your system can handle it, make sure you put on the “ultra effect” for the water detail. It is simply unbelievable how well the water is rendered. It is truly photo realistic. The character models are good enough, and the world textures are perfectly done. The rag doll physics done on the enemies is also phenomenal. Simply put, the graphics in this game are unequivocal. The gameplay in this game serves it’s purpose. It is very fun and challenging at the same time. The later levels get to the point of impossibility but they are beatable. The game incorporates vehicles as well, and while not as meshed as the vehicles in Halo, they serve their purpose. If your computer can handle it, you need to play this game.