How many people were paid off for the review of this game?
The designers of this game has about as much an idea what they were doing as a deaf man buying a stereo.
Now I am not going to say I could program a better game because I can't, but I sure as hell could have writen a better one and working with some half decent programmers and test players could have made it a heck of a lot better. Example, 1) Allowing to pick any 2 weapons your character wants. (adds a bit of challange and still fun. 2) Full freedom movement allowment (most people hate being lead by the nose or walking in a straight line even if it turns). And 3) Allow stealth tactics (I hid at 50+ meters, prone, in tall grass, behind a tree and was seen.)
The only thing new about this game is the trap setting and they don't even work. Luring a enemy into one is a complete waist of time, the character will be spotted and gun fire will continue. What stealth?
Lastly word of advise for promotors for games, if you are going to sell a game idea, make sure the game does it. I found walking around and killing everything easier than the stealth bit.