"Help, we're getting ganked!"

User Rating: 8.5 | Fat Princess PS3
Well well well. I checked out the demo of this game awhile ago when i was browsing the PS store, and wow, is it fun. It's kind of like team fortress 2, but with dwarves who feed cake to princesses. It's definitely an interesting twist on a multiplayer game, and it's very fun. Blood is prevalent, and it may annoy some people, but thankfully there is an option to switch all of it off. And replace it with confetti. And streamers. And candy. That suits the game more, in my opinion. I was not going to get this game when i saw it had no same-console multiplayer, but patch 1.06 fixes that. it adds a party feature where four players can play at one time, on the same console. There are four gametypes, Invasion(capture all outposts), Deathmatch(obvious), i forgot this one, and CTP(capture the princess). CTP is what the game was really built for,. Each team has a princess in the dungeon, and t=each team has to try and rescue their princess and put her on the throne. if they keep her there long enough, they win. the teams make it harder for the otehr team to get the princess by feeding her cake and making her fat. The classes in this game are really fun to play as, and can all be upgraded. the warrior is the main melee class, and has the most health. The priest is a healer, and when upgraded adds the option to be a dark priest, and run around cursing people. the mage is, well, a mage, and has a fire staff. when upgraded, he can freeze people solid to slow them down. The worker gathers resources to upgrade things and build seige weapons, and has an axe to chop down trees, rocks, etc. when upgraded he has bombs to throw at enemies and destroy structures. The ranger is kind of a dwarvy Robin Hood, and he has a crossbow. When upgraded, he obtains a musket shotgun thing, great for close range. The commentary on this game is funny, a medieval voice will yell things like "Help, were getting ganked!" and this is funny to hear. your own character can also speak and can say funny stuff like "A,E,I, Owned, U" and "Pwned". This really makes the game fun and keeps it from getting too serious. There is a secret class in this game, called the Reaper. If you are playing a CTP (capture the princess) game, and are the highest scorer on the winning team, you become the grim reaper, and can be a swirling torando of Pwnage!