All the fun and features you require on a break away from more serious o' games
The game has good animations, likeable characters, and the classes are balanced. If you like pick up and play games then you will like this. The plot is simple and so are the objectives, feed the princess cake, steal the other princess, etc.
The game works on the gameplay mechanics of so many mmo games or rpg games where you choose a race and class and click for years to "earn" experience, yet Fat Princess gets rid of that character building and gives you a guy or girl who can choose what job he likes and work as a team to win.
Some people have preferences whether they like to heal, defend, attack, or build. But it is so simple to change mid way through battle, or when you die (as you respawn next to your castle). Work as a team and you will prevail, but if you have not enough of one class working then expect to be out done.
The games are short, one can end in 5 minutes or up to 20 minutes depending on what map and game scenario you play.
If you are looking for a deeper RPG then you will be disaponted. I recommend watch a video first to see if its your type of thing, or just download the demo.
But its a not so serious game, and can be a real break from the serious games. With all the fun and features you need and want.