Does Fat Princess Fistful of Cake match up to the Original
User Rating: 8 | Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake PSP
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake is based off one of the most popular PlayStation Network games Fat Princess but how does it compare? Well let me tell you this game in my opinion might be better then the PlayStation 3 version. Lets start when you go to the main menu there are four options to do Play with yourself(Single player), Play with others(multilayer), Twiddly knobs(settings) and load game. The Game has a solid story and has a good game mode so after you beat it the other things you can do. Mulitiplayer has infrastructure and Ad-hoc. you can customize the way you look the controls on twiddly knobs. The story is divide in to fifteen chapters so the game is long but the only problem is the A.I. it is not the smartest but you can deal with it. The online for me is great but it can vary depending on other stuff.
Overall this game is a buy.
You can buy this game on PlayStation Network or On UMD for $20