Fat princess is one of those rare cases where a bargain game is as fun and exciting as its full priced counterparts.

User Rating: 9 | Fat Princess PS3
Fat Princess, what a surprising pleasure I had in this game.

First things first. I almost gave up on grabbing the game once I discovered there was no split screen multiplayer. To me the whole point was to gather friends and have pleasant gaming sessions against more friends in their homes.

What good could be a game that casual if you cannot play when you're making a meeting with friends, right?

Well, I got it anyway, I was too curious and, you know, 15 bucks. So I started to play already expecting to forget about it in half hour.

Than the game got me.

Fat princess is one of those cases where you start playing "just because" and half an hour later already love the setting. Great storytelling, lovely voice acting, relaxed humor, everything helps you to lay back and enjoy the experience.

The game may have simple graphics, but they are very well polished. The animations feel right and, to my surprise, there's more to it than simply a traditional, attrition capture the flag.

The "strategic" aspects of the game are enticing. While a lot of players seem, at least for now, to avoid using the worker class, that class allowed them to put several little twists that take the capture the flag experience to a new, fun and exciting level.

When the game is about to start, you have to decide what your team will try. Should everyone rush the enemy? Or half the members would do better as works and build a strong economy for a later victory? In what order should the upgrades be purchased? What siege weapons and engineer items (such as bridges and trampolines) are worth to buy and when?

The towers in the maps are also great, because they allow for easy defense and clear resource advantage (you can deliver the resources there instead of in the castle, and they are always near important resource nodes). A single player using a ranged class can defend a tower against multiple opponents (when your team has a tower, you can climb it and fight from the top), so even a lone worker, while upgraded, can dominate part of the map.

All in all, it's a fine surprise and a must buy considering the low price tag.

Give yourself a try at this fluffy yet gory little game. You'll not be disappointed, I guarantee.