Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut Video Review
Find out why Bethany thinks Fatal Frame 2 is the perfect game for those who like things that go bump in the night.
Find out why Bethany thinks Fatal Frame 2 is the perfect game for those who like things that go bump in the night.
Ricardo Torres stands in for Bethany Massimillia to review Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly.
A random, wandering ghost is caught on flim.
This cutscene reveals some of the dark history behind the Camera Obscura.
Keisuke Kikuchi, producer of Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly talks about what it takes to make a truly frightening game in this developer interview.
Fatal Frame 2 gets off to a bone chilling start in this movie.
Love horror games? Tune in to our weekly House of Horrors live stream, where we'll showcase a variety of games in the genre!
Zorine and Jess face off against the terrors at the end of their Fatal Frame journey. Cue Kusabi, murder and... J-Pop? (Spoilers for the end of Fatal Frame 2)
Those twins just can't stay out of trouble! Jess and Zorine continue the long and terrifying journey to try and complete Fatal Frame II by popular demand. How scary could ...
Zorine and Jess take on Fatal Frame 2 again after much encouragement, can it really be more terrifying than last time?
Zorine and Jess dive into a ghost-infested village in one of the scariest games ever. Will Fatal Frame 2 be too terrifying for them to handle?
The camera is mightier than the sword in Project Zero 2.
Black and white makes everything scarier.
Mayu learns about the grisly past of her ghostly acquaintances.
Nintendo pocket monster role-playing game still reigns supreme; new Atelier RPG and Fatal Frame Wii remake debut in top 10.
Crimson Butterfly emerges from its cocoon today; extra gameplay modes and new costumes added to Xbox edition of horror game.
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