I am a fan of both the first and the second Fatal Frame series, and both are very good.This is the kind of game that is psychologically scary, like recent horror flicks such as, “The Ring” and “The Grudge”. Every dark corner and evil sound makes every little hair on your head stick up. This game keeps you very aware and alert by making your pupils as dilated as a crack addict. I had to take major breaks in this game to avoid heart attacks. And you think eating before bed gave you nightmares? This game is defiantly much more then just taking pictures of ghost. No only is the game very intriguing , but so is the storyline.
Other Helpful Reviews for Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly
I have played all games from this trilogy in order of their dates of creation: 1-3. And recently I completed Fatal Frame 2 for second time… I have to say, that only Silent Hill itself managed to scare me pretty ... Read Full Review
Crimson Butterfly could be classified as one of the best games that no one has ever played. None of my friends even heard of the series. I actually kind of stumbled on the game when I was looking at the Silent Hill serie... Read Full Review