This game is the best horror game of all console games . you will sure be able to complete the end of the game . and you WILL play it more than one time . the story of this game about Mio and Mayu .. twin sisters lost in big hunted village . that they lost each other more than once .you are Mio .. Mayu will follow you all the time . then she will be lost . you have to find her and try to escape from the village . if you play the game at normal mode you will find the Abby's chapter . the last chapter of the game .
Other Helpful Reviews for Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly
I have played all games from this trilogy in order of their dates of creation: 1-3. And recently I completed Fatal Frame 2 for second time… I have to say, that only Silent Hill itself managed to scare me pretty ... Read Full Review
Crimson Butterfly could be classified as one of the best games that no one has ever played. None of my friends even heard of the series. I actually kind of stumbled on the game when I was looking at the Silent Hill serie... Read Full Review