Its the chill that goes down your spine in a dark unfamiliar room.
User Rating: 9.4 | Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly - Director's Cut XBOX
I've played this game on both the Xbox and the PS 2 but I have to say the graphics are slightly better on the Xbox. While I wasn't a big fan of the fact that they created the game to give players a "happier" ending I still think the ending is well worth it. Of course the first person mode that is available in the game is also a lot of fun. The game itself is scary with ghosts appearing randomly, and ghost battles being as intense as they are creepy. The story itself is well worth playing the game, its creative, and draws you in, you become very attached to the characters and at times even frustrated as Mayu constantly leaves you. The game itself is well made and the village itself is very eerie. It certainly isn't a place I'd want to find myself in but for a game its a great environment.