Don't let the innocent twins fool you. Very unexpected endings. Still creeped out.

User Rating: 10 | Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly - Director's Cut XBOX
If somebody does not like the game, then they never got the hang of the special camera or were not fast enough, they just want to point a gun and go on to the next game with some bigger gun, but you can't kill ghosts with a gun. This is a great ghost story with many subtle and not so subtle creepy nuances. Eerie ghosts that pop out of nowhere (just like a ghost should behave), These are ghosts that one would expect to run in to while walking through a cemetery at night or a dark road. Just because it has these two innocent girls and not some modified tough guy with an arsenal of weapons makes it all the more scarier and believable (just like any fiction book) and maybe, just maybe make us think twice when things go bump in the dark. These ghosts are vicious, evil and you'll never forget how they look, act and attack. I played all levels and each level offered something new. I also liked the mission part after the game and received high marks. Not bragging but it was a definite challenge, liked the game, the story (which is not what you will expect because of the two innocent twins) hence, the different levels and also because the game gives you feed back.