User Rating: 9.3 | Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly PS2
the minute u start playin this game u will be so freaken scared....this IS the most scarest game i've EVER EVER played the graphics are good and u'll get the controls pretty fast and gosh freaken ghosts!!!!! there everywhere to!!!! u hear somethin in back then theres nothing there....u turn around and BSSSSSSS ghost so creeppppyyyy the game is best to play with microphones or headphones if u can plug it into ur t.v so u can get super scared....o one more thing...if u have a gf this will be the ultimate game to play together im warning u...this game is super scary...i thought it was gonna be nothing but woaaah was i wrong.....dont doubt this game its very scary...TURN OFF THE LIGHTS AND PLAY AT 10PM OR LATER THEN U'LL SEE WAT IM TALKIN BOUT...WITH HEADPHONES ON!!!!! goosebumps keeps me up at nites sometimes....but yea if u want a scary game then u should totally pick this up