One of the better fright games, Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented will remind you that even your dreams are not a safe place.
Game play is the same for all the other FF games, with a minor change in the character Miku, and another new character, Kei. Miku is the strongest person as far as using the camera goes. Kei can use the camera, but has low HP, and can hide behind things to avoid ghosts. There are some ghosts he cannot hide from, so beware.
Graphics. As always, the graphics get better and better as the series goes on. This time things continue to have very good shadow effects. Cloth blowing in the wind is fluid, not choppy at all, and is very life like. Ghosts have some more wicked faces, and will really scare you if you are not pre paired.
Sound. This FF has grabbed the sounds and really used them to their best. Whispering voices, house creaking and all sorts of other things. The sound alone can scare you silly.
Value. Eah. This is where the game takes a dive. It's true that there are several copies out there, and no more are being made. I think this game has little value.
Bringing this review to a close. Well, I'm just hoping this being my first review, that people like it and find it useful. FF3 and the rest of the FF games are good plays, good scares. That's all.